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The main role of Manager is 1. Manage the lifecycle of a set of controllers (registration, start and stop) 1. Provide the shared resources (Kubernetes API server client, cache, etc.)

The registration of a controller is done by Builder.


1. Manager Interface

// Manager initializes shared dependencies such as Caches and Clients, and provides them to Runnables.
// A Manager is required to create Controllers.
type Manager interface {
    Add(Runnable) error
    Elected() <-chan struct{}
    AddMetricsExtraHandler(path string, handler http.Handler) error
    AddHealthzCheck(name string, check healthz.Checker) error
    AddReadyzCheck(name string, check healthz.Checker) error
    Start(ctx context.Context) error
    GetWebhookServer() *webhook.Server
    GetLogger() logr.Logger
    GetControllerOptions() v1alpha1.ControllerConfigurationSpec

2. controllerManager

type controllerManager struct {
    started bool

    stopProcedureEngaged *int64
    errChan              chan error
    runnables            *runnables

    // cluster holds a variety of methods to interact with a cluster. Required.
    cluster cluster.Cluster


3. Runnable interface

type Runnable interface {
    Start(context.Context) error

4. runnables

type runnables struct {
    Webhooks       *runnableGroup
    Caches         *runnableGroup
    LeaderElection *runnableGroup
    Others         *runnableGroup

type runnableGroup struct {
    ctx    context.Context
    cancel context.CancelFunc

    start        sync.Mutex
    startOnce    sync.Once
    started      bool
    startQueue   []*readyRunnable
    startReadyCh chan *readyRunnable

    stop     sync.RWMutex
    stopOnce sync.Once
    stopped  bool

    errChan chan error
    ch chan *readyRunnable
    wg *sync.WaitGroup

types of runnables:

  1. Webhooks
  2. Caches
  3. LeaderElection
  4. Others

How Manager is initialized by New

1. Set default values for Options fields wiht setOptionsDefaults

manager, err := ctrl.NewManager(ctrl.GetConfigOrDie(), ctrl.Options{})
options = setOptionsDefaults(options)
name value where is the option used
newResourceLock leaderelection.NewResourceLock setLeaderElectionConfig
newRecorderProvider intrec.NewProvider New to create recorderProvider
EventBroadcaster func() (record.EventBroadcaster, bool) {return record.NewBroadcaster(), true} as an option for newRecorderProvider in New
newMetricsListener metrics.NewListener New to create metricsListener
LeaseDuration *defaultLeaseDuration setLeaderElectionConfig
RenewDeadline *defaultRenewDeadline setLeaderElectionConfig
RetryPeriod *defaultRetryPeriod setLeaderElectionConfig
ReadinessEndpointName defaultReadinessEndpoint
LivenessEndpointName defaultLivenessEndpoint
newHealthProbeListener defaultHealthProbeListener
GracefulShutdownTimeout *defaultGracefulShutdownPeriod
Logger log.Log
BaseContext defaultBaseContext

New in the table means Manager.New

2. Initialize a controllerManager

  1. Initialize Cluster, which provides methods to interact with Kubernetes cluster
    cluster, err := cluster.New(config, func(clusterOptions *cluster.Options) {
        clusterOptions.Scheme = options.Scheme
        clusterOptions.MapperProvider = options.MapperProvider
        clusterOptions.Logger = options.Logger
        clusterOptions.SyncPeriod = options.SyncPeriod
        clusterOptions.Namespace = options.Namespace
        clusterOptions.NewCache = options.NewCache
        clusterOptions.NewClient = options.NewClient
        clusterOptions.ClientDisableCacheFor = options.ClientDisableCacheFor
        clusterOptions.DryRunClient = options.DryRunClient
        clusterOptions.EventBroadcaster = options.EventBroadcaster //nolint:staticcheck
    For more details, please check cluster. Cluster is also a runnable.
  2. Initialize other necessary things like recordProvider, runnables, etc.

  3. Initialize controllerManager

        cluster:                       cluster,
        runnables:                     runnables,
        recorderProvider:              recorderProvider,

3. Bind a Controller to the Manager

Bind a Controller to the Manager using NewControllerManagedBy(alias for builder.ControllerManagedBy).

err = ctrl.
    NewControllerManagedBy(manager). // Create the Controller
    For(&appsv1.ReplicaSet{}).       // ReplicaSet is the Application API
    Owns(&corev1.Pod{}).             // ReplicaSet owns Pods created by it
    Complete(&ReplicaSetReconciler{Client: manager.GetClient()})

Internally, builder.Build create a new controller and add it to manager.runnables.Others by Manager.Add(Runnable).

You can also check Builder and Internal process of adding a Controller to a Manager

4. controllerManager.Start() calls to start all runnables.

// (1) Add the cluster runnable.
if err := cm.add(cm.cluster); err != nil {

// (2) First start any webhook servers
if err := cm.runnables.Webhooks.Start(cm.internalCtx); err != nil {

// (3) Start and wait for caches.
if err := cm.runnables.Caches.Start(cm.internalCtx); err != nil {

// (4) Start the non-leaderelection Runnables after the cache has synced.
if err := cm.runnables.Others.Start(cm.internalCtx); err != nil {

// (5) Start the leader election and all required runnables.
if err := cm.startLeaderElection(ctx); err != nil {
if err := cm.startLeaderElectionRunnables(); err != nil {

Controller will be in runnables.Others and you can check the actual Start logic in controller.

Internal process of adding a Controller to a Manager

  1. controllerManager.Add(Runnable): gets lock and calls add(runnable).
    1. cm.SetFields(r)
      if err := cm.cluster.SetFields(i); err != nil {
          return err
      if _, err := inject.InjectorInto(cm.SetFields, i); err != nil {
          return err
      if _, err := inject.StopChannelInto(cm.internalProceduresStop, i); err != nil {
          return err
      if _, err := inject.LoggerInto(cm.logger, i); err != nil {
          return err
      1. cluster.SetFields set dependencies on the object that implements the inject interface. Specifically set the following cluster's field to the runnable (controller)
        1. config (inject.ConfigInto(c.config, i))
        2. client (inject.ClientInto(c.client, i))
        3. apiReader (inject.APIReaderInto(c.apiReader, i))
        4. scheme (inject.SchemeInto(c.scheme, i))
        5. cache (inject.CacheInto(c.cache, i))
        6. mapper (inject.MapperInto(c.mapper, i))
      2. cm.SetFields is set to controller.SetFields via InjectorInto. (details: inject) <- controller.SetFields will be used for source, event handler and predicates in Watch.
      3. StopChannelInto and Logger.
    2. cm.runnables.Add(r)
      type runnables struct {
          Webhooks       *runnableGroup
          Caches         *runnableGroup
          LeaderElection *runnableGroup
          Others         *runnableGroup
      Add r based on the type.
      func (r *runnables) Add(fn Runnable) error {
          switch runnable := fn.(type) {
          case hasCache: // check if `GetCache() exists
              return r.Caches.Add(fn, func(ctx context.Context) bool {
                  return runnable.GetCache().WaitForCacheSync(ctx)
          case *webhook.Server: // check if webhook.Server type
              return r.Webhooks.Add(fn, nil)
          case LeaderElectionRunnable: // check if `NeedLeaderElection() exists
              if !runnable.NeedLeaderElection() {
                  return r.Others.Add(fn, nil)
              return r.LeaderElection.Add(fn, nil)
              return r.LeaderElection.Add(fn, nil)

Manager.GetClient() and GetScheme()

  1. The client, scheme and more are initialized and stored in the cluster when a Manager is created.
  2. The client, scheme and more are directly got from cm.cluster.GetXXX()
  3. The client got by GetClient() is passed to Reconciler so you can manipulate objects in the Reconcile function.


  1. Initialize with NewManager.

    mgr, err := ctrl.NewManager(ctrl.GetConfigOrDie(), ctrl.Options{})

    You can configure Options based on your requirements. example:

        Scheme:                 scheme,
        MetricsBindAddress:     metricsAddr,
        Port:                   9443,
        HealthProbeBindAddress: probeAddr,
        LeaderElection:         enableLeaderElection,
        LeaderElectionID:       "",
  2. Define a simple Reconciler

    podReconciler := reconcile.Func(func(ctx context.Context, req reconcile.Request) (reconcile.Result, error) {
        fmt.Printf("podReconciler is called for %v\n", req)
        return reconcile.Result{}, nil

    For more details about Reconciler, you can check reconciler.

  3. Set up Controller with NewControllerManagedBy

    ctrl.NewControllerManagedBy(mgr). // returns controller Builder
        For(&corev1.Pod{}). // defines the type of Object being reconciled
        Complete(podReconciler) // Complete builds the Application controller, and return error
    1. For: define which resource to monitor.
    2. Complete: pass the reconciler to complete the controller.
    3. Internally, NewControllerManagedBy returns controller builder.
    4. Controller builder calls two functions in Complete(reconcile.Reconciler)
      1. doController: Set controller to the builder
        blder.ctrl, err = newController(controllerName, blder.mgr, ctrlOptions)
      2. doWatch: call blder.ctrl.Watch(src, hdler, allPredicates...) for For, Owns, and Watches.


  1. Run (initialize a Manager with podReconciler & deploymentReconciler)

    go run main.go
    2022-09-06T06:27:08.255+0900    INFO    controller-runtime.metrics      Metrics server is starting to listen    {"addr": ":8080"}
    2022-09-06T06:27:08.255+0900    INFO    Starting server {"path": "/metrics", "kind": "metrics", "addr": "[::]:8080"}
    2022-09-06T06:27:08.255+0900    INFO    Starting EventSource    {"controller": "pod", "controllerGroup": "", "controllerKind": "Pod", "source": "kind source: *v1.Pod"}
    2022-09-06T06:27:08.255+0900    INFO    Starting Controller     {"controller": "pod", "controllerGroup": "", "controllerKind": "Pod"}
    2022-09-06T06:27:08.255+0900    INFO    manager-examples        RunnableFunc is called
    2022-09-06T06:27:08.255+0900    INFO    Starting EventSource    {"controller": "deployment", "controllerGroup": "apps", "controllerKind": "Deployment", "source": "kind source: *v1.Deployment"}
    2022-09-06T06:27:08.255+0900    INFO    Starting Controller     {"controller": "deployment", "controllerGroup": "apps", "controllerKind": "Deployment"}
    2022-09-06T06:27:08.356+0900    INFO    Starting workers        {"controller": "pod", "controllerGroup": "", "controllerKind": "Pod", "worker count": 1}
    2022-09-06T06:27:08.357+0900    INFO    Starting workers        {"controller": "deployment", "controllerGroup": "apps", "controllerKind": "Deployment", "worker count": 1}
    2022-09-06T06:27:08.357+0900    INFO    manager-examples        podReconciler is called {"req": "kube-system/coredns-6d4b75cb6d-jtg59"}
    2022-09-06T06:27:08.357+0900    INFO    manager-examples        podReconciler is called {"req": "local-path-storage/local-path-provisioner-9cd9bd544-g89rs"}
    2022-09-06T06:27:08.357+0900    INFO    manager-examples        podReconciler is called {"req": "kube-system/kube-scheduler-kind-control-plane"}
    2022-09-06T06:27:08.357+0900    INFO    manager-examples        podReconciler is called {"req": "kube-system/kube-controller-manager-kind-control-plane"}
    2022-09-06T06:27:08.357+0900    INFO    manager-examples        podReconciler is called {"req": "kube-system/kube-proxy-7jsn6"}
    2022-09-06T06:27:08.357+0900    INFO    manager-examples        podReconciler is called {"req": "kube-system/coredns-6d4b75cb6d-k68r5"}
    2022-09-06T06:27:08.357+0900    INFO    manager-examples        podReconciler is called {"req": "kube-system/etcd-kind-control-plane"}
    2022-09-06T06:27:08.357+0900    INFO    manager-examples        podReconciler is called {"req": "kube-system/kube-apiserver-kind-control-plane"}
    2022-09-06T06:27:08.357+0900    INFO    manager-examples        podReconciler is called {"req": "kube-system/kindnet-6dj6q"}
    2022-09-06T06:27:08.358+0900    INFO    manager-examples        deploymentReconciler is called  {"req": "kube-system/coredns"}
    2022-09-06T06:27:08.358+0900    INFO    manager-examples        deploymentReconciler is called  {"req": "local-path-storage/local-path-provisioner"}

    The reconcile functions are called when cache is synced.

  2. Create a Pod

    kubectl run nginx --image=nginx

    You'll see the following logs:

    2022-09-06T07:16:26.400+0900    INFO    manager-examples        podReconciler is called {"req": "default/nginx"}
    2022-09-06T07:16:26.519+0900    INFO    manager-examples        podReconciler is called {"req": "default/nginx"}
    2022-09-06T07:16:26.660+0900    INFO    manager-examples        podReconciler is called {"req": "default/nginx"}
    2022-09-06T07:16:32.547+0900    INFO    manager-examples        podReconciler is called {"req": "default/nginx"}
    1. Delete the Pod
    kubectl delete pod nginx

    You'll see the logs again. 1. Create a Deployment

    kubectl create deploy nginx --image=nginx

    2022-09-06T07:17:04.963+0900    INFO    manager-examples        deploymentReconciler is called  {"req": "default/nginx"}
    2022-09-06T07:17:05.281+0900    INFO    manager-examples        deploymentReconciler is called  {"req": "default/nginx"}
    2022-09-06T07:17:05.320+0900    INFO    manager-examples        podReconciler is called {"req": "default/nginx-8f458dc5b-lnkqz"}
    2022-09-06T07:17:05.341+0900    INFO    manager-examples        podReconciler is called {"req": "default/nginx-8f458dc5b-lnkqz"}
    2022-09-06T07:17:05.342+0900    INFO    manager-examples        deploymentReconciler is called  {"req": "default/nginx"}
    2022-09-06T07:17:05.432+0900    INFO    manager-examples        podReconciler is called {"req": "default/nginx-8f458dc5b-lnkqz"}
    2022-09-06T07:17:05.461+0900    INFO    manager-examples        deploymentReconciler is called  {"req": "default/nginx"}
    2022-09-06T07:17:08.630+0900    INFO    manager-examples        podReconciler is called {"req": "default/nginx-8f458dc5b-lnkqz"}
    2022-09-06T07:17:08.674+0900    INFO    manager-examples        deploymentReconciler is called  {"req": "default/nginx"}
  3. Delete the Deployment

    kubectl delete deploy nginx

    You'll see the logs again.