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Install helm

brew install helm
helm version --short

Update helm version

brew upgrade helm


1. Install

helm repo add elastic
helm install elasticsearch elastic/elasticsearch
NAME: elasticsearch
LAST DEPLOYED: Sat Aug  8 17:23:21 2020
NAMESPACE: default
STATUS: deployed
1. Watch all cluster members come up.
  $ kubectl get pods --namespace=default -l app=elasticsearch-master -w
2. Test cluster health using Helm test.
  $ helm test elasticsearch --cleanup

2. Customize

helm show values elastic/elasticsearch > helm/es-config.yaml
helm install -n eck elasticsearch elastic/elasticsearch -f helm/es-config.yaml

3. Upgrade

helm upgrade elasticsearch elastic/elasticsearch -n eck -f helm/es-config.yaml

4. Uninstall

helm uninstall elasticsearch elastic/elasticsearch

5. Create and publish Helm chart

Prerequisite: create a Helm chart repo (e.g.

  1. Create There are two options:
    1. Create with helm command: helm create <chart_name>
    2. Create from exiting yaml files (e.g. yaml generated by operator-sdk or kubebuilder) with helmify: kustomize build | helmify <chart_name>
  2. Publish There are two options:
    1. Push Helm package and index.yaml
    2. Push Helm source code, and package it and update index.yaml by GitHub Actions

Helm basic commands

  • helm ls: Check releases.
  • helm template <chart_path or chart>: Test rendering the chart locally (You can check the resulting yaml without applying)

    You can pass values via 1. flag: helm template chart --set .cloudSecretManagerType=gcp 1. value file: helm template chart -f gcp-helm-values.yaml

  • helm install <NAME>: Deploy a chart. (Deploy packaged resources to the cluster.)

    There are five different ways you can express the chart you want to install:

    1. By chart reference: helm install mymaria example/mariadb
    2. By path to a packaged chart: helm install mynginx ./nginx-1.2.3.tgz
    3. By path to an unpacked chart directory: helm install mynginx ./nginx
    4. By absolute URL: helm install mynginx
    5. By chart reference and repo url: helm install --repo mynginx nginx

    You can pass values in the same way as helm template

  • helm upgrade <RELEASE_NAME> <chart>


    helm upgrade mysql-operator-0-1680913123 $HELM_PATH --set cloudSecretManagerType=gcp --set gcpProjectId=$PROJECT_ID

  • helm uninstall <RELEASE_NAME>: Remove a chart. (Remove packaged resources from the cluster.)

  • helm status <RELEASE_NAME>
