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webhook (WIP)

Package webhook provides methods to build and bootstrap a webhook server.

type Server interface {
    // NeedLeaderElection implements the LeaderElectionRunnable interface, which indicates
    // the webhook server doesn't need leader election.
    NeedLeaderElection() bool

    // Register marks the given webhook as being served at the given path.
    // It panics if two hooks are registered on the same path.
    Register(path string, hook http.Handler)

    // Start runs the server.
    // It will install the webhook related resources depend on the server configuration.
    Start(ctx context.Context) error

    // StartedChecker returns an healthz.Checker which is healthy after the
    // server has been started.
    StartedChecker() healthz.Checker

    // WebhookMux returns the servers WebhookMux
    WebhookMux() *http.ServeMux
type Defaulter interface {
type Validator interface {
    ValidateCreate() error
    ValidateUpdate(old runtime.Object) error
    ValidateDelete() error


// Create a manager
// Note: GetConfigOrDie will os.Exit(1) w/o any message if no kube-config can be found
mgr, err := ctrl.NewManager(ctrl.GetConfigOrDie(), ctrl.Options{})
if err != nil {

// Create a webhook server.
hookServer := NewServer(Options{
    Port: 8443,
if err := mgr.Add(hookServer); err != nil {

// Register the webhooks in the server.
hookServer.Register("/mutating", mutatingHook)
hookServer.Register("/validating", validatingHook)

// Start the server by starting a previously-set-up manager
err = mgr.Start(ctrl.SetupSignalHandler())
if err != nil {
    // handle error


go run contents/kubernetes-operator/controller-runtime/webhook/main.go
panic: open /var/folders/c2/hjlk2kcn63s4kds9k2_ctdhc0000gp/T/k8s-webhook-server/serving-certs/tls.crt: no such file or directory

goroutine 1 [running]:
        /Users/m.naka/repos/nakamasato/kubernetes-training/contents/kubernetes-operator/controller-runtime/webhook/main.go:56 +0x1c4
exit status 2


Validator interface:

type Validator interface {

    // ValidateCreate validates the object on creation.
    // The optional warnings will be added to the response as warning messages.
    // Return an error if the object is invalid.
    ValidateCreate() (warnings Warnings, err error)

    // ValidateUpdate validates the object on update. The oldObj is the object before the update.
    // The optional warnings will be added to the response as warning messages.
    // Return an error if the object is invalid.
    ValidateUpdate(old runtime.Object) (warnings Warnings, err error)

    // ValidateDelete validates the object on deletion.
    // The optional warnings will be added to the response as warning messages.
    // Return an error if the object is invalid.
    ValidateDelete() (warnings Warnings, err error)

The return value was updated in controller-runtime@v0.15.0 (⚠️ feat: new features about support warning with webhook #2014) from [Feature Request]: Support "Warning" for Validation Webhook #1896

This is because Kubernets supports warning message in response for Admission webhook ref since 1.19:

Admission webhooks can optionally return warning messages that are returned to the requesting client in HTTP Warning headers with a warning code of 299. Warnings can be sent with allowed or rejected admission responses.


  1. v0.15.0
    1. Allow passing a custom webhook server controller-runtime#2293 webhook.Server struct was changed to interface.
      - hookServer := &Server{Port: 8443}
      + hookServer := NewServer(Options{Port: 8443})
    2. ⚠️ feat: new features about support warning with webhook #2014 Validator, CustomValidator interface change: added warning to response of admission webhook.
      type Validator interface {
      -   ValidateCreate() error
      -   ValidateUpdate(old runtime.Object) error
      -   ValidateDelete() error
      +   // ValidateCreate validates the object on creation.
      +   // The optional warnings will be added to the response as warning messages.
      +   // Return an error if the object is invalid.
      +   ValidateCreate() (warnings Warnings, err error)
      +   // ValidateUpdate validates the object on update. The oldObj is the object before the update.
      +   // The optional warnings will be added to the response as warning messages.
      +   // Return an error if the object is invalid.
      +   ValidateUpdate(old runtime.Object) (warnings Warnings, err error)
      +   // ValidateDelete validates the object on deletion.
      +   // The optional warnings will be added to the response as warning messages.
      +   // Return an error if the object is invalid.
      +   ValidateDelete() (warnings Warnings, err error)