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Inject interface table

interface name required func func to inject Implemented by
Cache InjectCache CacheInto Kind (source)
APIReader InjectAPIReader APIReaderInto
Config InjectConfig ConfigInto
Client InjectClient ClientInto
Scheme InjectScheme SchemeInto DeferredFileLoader, Webhook
Stoppable InjectStopChannel StopChannelInto Channel (source)
Mapper InjectMapper MapperInto EnqueueRequestForOwner
Injector InjectFunc InjectorInto Webhook, enqueueRequestsFromMapFunc, Controller, and, or (predicate), multiMutating, multiValidating, etc.
Logger InjectLogger LoggerInto Webhook

Injector interface

// Func injects dependencies into i.
type Func func(i interface{}) error

// Injector is used by the ControllerManager to inject Func into Controllers.
type Injector interface {
    InjectFunc(f Func) error

// InjectorInto will set f and return the result on i if it implements Injector.  Returns
// false if i does not implement Injector.
func InjectorInto(f Func, i interface{}) (bool, error) {
    if ii, ok := i.(Injector); ok {
        return true, ii.InjectFunc(f)
    return false, nil

SetFields set dependencies to the object that implments inject interface.


Controller implement Injector with InjectFunc

// InjectFunc implement SetFields.Injector.
func (c *Controller) InjectFunc(f inject.Func) error {
    c.SetFields = f
    return nil

With this implementation, any function can be injected to the controller.SetFields with InjectorInto(func, controller).

This function is used in the manager.SetFields

if _, err := inject.InjectorInto(cm.SetFields, i); err != nil {
This means set clusterManager's SetFields function to i, specifically, controller. By the controller's InjectFunc implementation, controller has exactly the same SetFields function as clusterManager