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Kubernetes scheduler


  • podQueue channel
  • quit channel
  • Scheduler
    • ScheduleOne:
      1. Get a Pod from podQueue.
      2. findNode
        1. Get Nodes from lister.
        2. Filter out unschedulable nodes.
        3. Give a score for each node.
        4. Get the node with the highest score.
      3. bindNode
      4. emitEvent

Getting Started

  1. Run scheduler.
    go run main.go
    2022/08/12 20:19:51 Start a scheduler
    2022/08/12 20:19:51 Run is called
    2022/08/12 20:19:51 New node is added. docker-desktop
  2. Create a Pod.

    kubectl apply -f pod.yaml
  3. Check if the pod is scheduled.

    2022/08/12 20:20:28 found a pod to schedule: [default/nginx]
    2022/08/12 20:20:28 calculated priorities: map[docker-desktop:47]
    2022/08/12 20:20:28 node docker-desktop is chosen for Pod [default/nginx]
    2022/08/12 20:20:28 pod [default/nginx] is successfully scheduled to node docker-desktop


  1. Create main, NewScheduler and Scheduler struct with Run method.

    package main
    import (
    func main()  {
        log.Println("Start a scheduler")
        podQueue := make(chan *v1.Pod, 300)
        defer close(podQueue)
        quit := make(chan struct{})
        defer close(quit)
        scheduler := NewScheduler(podQueue, quit)
    type Scheduler struct {
    func (s *Scheduler) Run() {
    func NewScheduler(podQueue chan *v1.Pod, quit chan struct{}) Scheduler {
        return Scheduler{}

    You can try running the empty scheduler:

    go run main.go
    1. Update Scheduler struct (Prepare nodeInformer, podInformer, randomPredicate, and randomPriority): 1. Update definitions.
    type predicateFunc func(node *v1.Node, pod *v1.Pod) bool
    type priorityFunc func(node *v1.Node, pod *v1.Pod) int
    type Scheduler struct {
        clientset  *kubernetes.Clientset
        podQueue   chan *v1.Pod
        nodeLister listersv1.NodeLister
        predicates []predicateFunc
        priorities []priorityFunc
    1. Initialize clientset in NewScheduler. 1. Define randomPredicate and randomPriority.
    func randomPredicate(node *v1.Node, pod *v1.Pod) bool {
        r := rand.Intn(2)
        return r == 0
    func randomPriority(node *v1.Node, pod *v1.Pod) int {
        return rand.Intn(100)
    1. Define initInformers.

    1. Create shared informer factory
    1. Create node informer with event handler for `AddFunc` (just print).
    1. Create pod informer with event handler for `AddFunc`.
        1. Check `NodeName == ""`: Unscheduled Pods
        1. Check `SchedulerName == scheduclerName`; this scheduler is specified.
    1. Start the factory.
    1. Return the nodeInformer lister.
    func initInformers(clientset *kubernetes.Clientset, podQueue chan *v1.Pod, quit chan struct{}) listersv1.NodeLister {
        factory := informers.NewSharedInformerFactory(clientset, 0)
        nodeInformer := factory.Core().V1().Nodes()
                AddFunc: func(obj interface{}) {
                    node, ok := obj.(*v1.Node)
                    if !ok {
                        log.Println("this is not a node")
                    log.Printf("New node is added. %s\n", node.GetName())
        podInformer := factory.Core().V1().Pods()
                AddFunc: func(obj interface{}){
                    pod, ok := obj.(*v1.Pod)
                    if !ok {
                        log.Println("This is not a pod")
                    if pod.Spec.NodeName == "" && pod.Spec.SchedulerName == schedulerName {
                        podQueue <- pod
        return nodeInformer.Lister()
    1. Update NewScheduler:

      func NewScheduler(podQueue chan *v1.Pod, quit chan struct{}) Scheduler {
          // In-Cluster configuration
          // config, err := rest.InClusterConfig()
          // if err != nil {
          //  log.Fatal(err)
          // }
          kubeConfigPath := filepath.Join(homedir.HomeDir(), ".kube", "config")
          config, err := clientcmd.BuildConfigFromFlags("", kubeConfigPath)
          if err != nil {
              log.Printf("Building config from flags, %s", err.Error())
          clientset, err := kubernetes.NewForConfig(config)
          if err != nil {
          return Scheduler{
              clientset: clientset,
              podQueue: podQueue,
              nodeLister: initInformers(clientset, podQueue, quit),
              predicates: []predicateFunc{
              priorities: []priorityFunc{

    2. Try running the scheduler at this point. (Nothing happens as Run is still empty.)

      go run main.go
      Start a scheduler
      Run is called

    3. Find best node for a pod in ScheduleOne function.
    4. Define ScheduleOne. The role of ScheduleOne:

      1. Get a pod from podQueue.
      2. Get the fit node from findNode.

      ```go func (s *Scheduler) ScheduleOne() { p := <- s.podQueue log.Println("found a pod to schedule:", p.Namespace, "/", p.Name)

      node, err := s.findNode(p)
      if err != nil {
          log.Println("cannot find node that fits pod", err.Error())
      log.Printf("node %s is chosen for Pod [%s/%s]\n", node, p.Namespace, p.Name)

      } 1. Define findNode (find the best node for a given pod. If no schedulable node, return error.) The role of findNode: 1. Get nodes from the node lister. 1. Return error if there's no node. 1. Give a score with prioritize for each node. 1. Return the node with highest score findBestNode.

      func (s *Scheduler) findNode(pod *v1.Pod) (string, error) {
          nodes, err := s.nodeLister.List(labels.Everything())
          if err != nil {
              return "", err
          if len(nodes) == 0 {
              return "", errors.New("failed to find schedulable nodes")
          priorities := s.prioritize(nodes, pod)
          return s.findBestNode(priorities), nil
    5. Define prioritize: Give a score with priorities for each node.

      func (s *Scheduler) prioritize(nodes []*v1.Node, pod *v1.Pod) map[string]int {
          priorities := make(map[string]int)
          for _, node := range nodes {
              for _, priority := range s.priorities {
                  priorities[node.Name] += priority(node, pod)
          log.Println("calculated priorities:", priorities)
          return priorities

    6. findBestNode: Get the node with the highest score.
      func (s *Scheduler) findBestNode(priorities map[string]int) string {
          var maxP int
          var bestNode string
          for node, p := range priorities {
              if p > maxP {
                  maxP = p
                  bestNode = node
          return bestNode
    7. Update Run to call ScheduleOne.

      func (s *Scheduler) Run(quit chan struct{}) {
          log.Println("Run is called")
          wait.Until(s.ScheduleOne, 0, quit)

    8. Run and check the scheduler (Just choose a node):

      Run the scheduler:

      go run main.go
      2021/12/26 17:21:06 Start a scheduler
      2021/12/26 17:21:06 Run is called
      2021/12/26 17:21:06 New node is added. kind-control-plane

      Create a pod with schedulerName: random-scheduler:

      kubectl apply -f pod.yaml

      Scheduler's log:

      2021/12/26 17:21:06 found a pod to schedule: [default/nginx]
      2021/12/26 17:21:06 calculated priorities: map[kind-control-plane:47]
      2021/12/26 17:21:06 node kind-control-plane is chosen for Pod [default/nginx]

      kubectl get pod nginx
      nginx   0/1     Pending   0          3m55s
      1. Bind Node to Pod. 1. Add the following lines to ScheduleOne.

          err = s.bindPod(p, node)
          if err != nil {
              log.Println("failed to bind pod", err.Error())
      1. Define bindPod.

      import (
          metav1 ""
      func (s *Scheduler) bindPod(pod *v1.Pod, node string) error {
          return s.clientset.CoreV1().Pods(pod.Namespace).Bind(
                  ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{Name: pod.Name, Namespace: pod.Namespace},
                  Target:     v1.ObjectReference{APIVersion: "v1", Kind: "Node", Name: node},
      1. Run the scheduler. 1. Run the scheduler
      go run main.go
      2021/12/26 17:33:35 Start a scheduler
      2021/12/26 17:33:35 Run is called
      2021/12/26 17:33:35 New node is added. kind-control-plane
      1. Create a Pod.
      kubectl apply -f pod.yaml
      1. Check logs.
      2021/12/26 17:35:35 found a pod to schedule: [default/nginx]
      2021/12/26 17:35:35 calculated priorities: map[kind-control-plane:47]
      2021/12/26 17:35:35 node kind-control-plane is chosen for Pod [default/nginx]
      2021/12/26 17:35:35 pod [default/nginx] is successfully scheduled to node kind-control-plane
      1. Check pod.
      kubectl get pod nginx
      nginx   1/1     Running   0          26s
      1. Emit event. 1. Add emitEvent function.
      func (s *Scheduler) emitEvent(p *v1.Pod, message string) error {
          timestamp := time.Now().UTC()
          _, err := s.clientset.CoreV1().Events(p.Namespace).Create(
                  Count:          1,
                  Message:        message,
                  Reason:         "Scheduled",
                  LastTimestamp:  metav1.NewTime(timestamp),
                  FirstTimestamp: metav1.NewTime(timestamp),
                  Type:           "Normal",
                  Source: v1.EventSource{
                      Component: schedulerName,
                  InvolvedObject: v1.ObjectReference{
                      Kind:      "Pod",
                      Name:      p.Name,
                      Namespace: p.Namespace,
                      UID:       p.UID,
                  ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{
                      GenerateName: p.Name + "-",
          if err != nil {
              return err
          return nil

    9. Add the following lines to the ScheduleOne.

          message := fmt.Sprintf("pod [%s/%s] is successfully scheduled to node %s", p.Namespace, p.Name, node)
          err = s.emitEvent(p, message)
          if err != nil {
              log.Println("failed to emit scheduled event", err.Error())
    10. Check.

      1. Create a Pod.
        kubectl apply -f pod.yaml
      2. Run the scheduler.
        go run main.go
        2021/12/26 17:41:24 Start a scheduler
        2021/12/26 17:41:24 Run is called
        2021/12/26 17:41:24 New node is added. kind-control-plane
        2021/12/26 17:41:43 found a pod to schedule: [default/nginx]
        2021/12/26 17:41:43 calculated priorities: map[kind-control-plane:47]
        2021/12/26 17:41:43 node kind-control-plane is chosen for Pod [default/nginx]
        2021/12/26 17:41:43 pod [default/nginx] is successfully scheduled to node kind-control-plane
      3. Check event.

        kubectl get event | grep Scheduled
        68s         Normal   Scheduled   pod/nginx   pod [default/nginx] is successfully scheduled to node kind-control-plane
